Georgia City Among The 25 'Best Places To Find A Job' In 2025

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Anyone who has ever found themselves in search of a job knows how difficult and time-consuming the experience can be. From a competitive market in certain cities to a lack of jobs in others, finding a job can sometimes feel impossible. Depending on where you live, you may have a better shot at landing a new opportunity for employment.

WalletHub looked at nearly 200 cities around the U.S. to determine which are the "best places to find a job" in 2025, factoring in how the job market is performing compared to other destinations as well as how the socio-economic status measures up. Among the list are three cities in Georgia:

  • No. 23: Atlanta
  • No. 159: Columbus
  • No. 179: Augusta

Coming in at No. 23 overall, Atlanta ranked near the top of the list thanks to its high marks in the socio-economic category as well as relatively high marks in the job market category. Augusta, however, found a spot near the bottom of the list, ranking low in both categories.

These are the 10 best places to find a job in 2025:

  1. Scottsdale, Arizona
  2. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  3. Columbia, Maryland
  4. South Burlington, Vermont
  5. Portland, Maine
  6. Charleston, South Carolina
  7. Chandler, Arizona
  8. Washington, D.C.
  9. Tempe, Arizona
  10. Orlando, Florida

To determine its list, WalletHub compared 182 cities across the U.S. across two key factors, job market and socio-economics. These factors were then evaluated using 31 relevant metrics, including job opportunities, employment growth, unemployment rate, job security, industry variety, job satisfaction, access to internships, median annual income, transit score, housing affordability, safety, family-friendliness, annual transportation costs, dating-friendliness and more.

Check out the full report at to read up on more of the best cities for jobs. You can also see our previous coverage of the Georgia cities among the "neediest" in the country.

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